Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What Once Was a Wine Bottle is Now an Accent Lamp

People have been repurposing wine bottles for decades because there is a plethora of things one can do with a wine bottle besides just throw it in the recycle bin. (I hope that's where you're putting them.)

Today I'd like share how I make beautiful accent lamps from repurposed wine bottles. But please know that I won't reveal all the details or secrets. You'll have to send your comments to get more info out of me.

Isn't it amazing how much light reflects off the walls behind the lamp? Now imagie it covered with all colors of glass.

The first step is actually the hardest step: It's removing the labels. I've soaked a bottle for days in a bucket of water and still had to use a lot of elbow grease to remove the label. Once the label's off, I get my hand drill with a 1/2" bit, especially for glass, and drill the hole about one inch from the bottom. (I'm a pro at this so send comments for some great advice on drilling holes.) Then I figure out my color sceme and start gluing away using my top secret adhesive. So you know, hot glue will not work. I have the burn marks to prove. I let the lamp sit over night to dry and on day two insert the 20-count string of lights through the hole. (Be a smart shopper, buy these lights on clearance after the holidays.) I close the top using an ornament, yes bought on clearance too. It is held on using hot glue, only because it will need to be removed in order to replace the burned out lights. I have had people tell me their lights have lasted over a year, even with regular use. Sometimes I even like to add a little more flare to the bottle.
I do this by hanging a beaded tassel, yes bought on clearance, around the neck of the bottle. I charge extra for these too. And speaking of charging...

I've seen similar lamps go for as much as $40 and higher. But mine start at $25, a very fair price indeed. I've seen my own lamps go for $50 and $65 in a silent auction. It is from making these lamps that I came up with the name REWINEDesigns.

Get it? Rewind. Redone. Reused. Repurposed!

Until next time...find something to repurpose.

Thanks, Okie

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